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Is Your House in Order?
Not your spiritual house, today let's address your financial house.
Do you have a last will and testament or a living trust?
Do you own a home or other high value asset?
Do you have a financial Power-of-Attorney?
Do you have a healthcare directive to the doctors in place?
Do you have at least 1M dollars in life insurance?
Do you have life insurance with living benefits?
Do you have an old retirement account you’d like to see grow with compound interest?
Do you have a plan for the succession of your business?
For Your Small Business

For Your Retirement
Wealth Check-Up
In-Home and Virtual
Financial Needs Analysis
Guaranteed Life Income
Retirement Rollovers
Insurance with Living Benefits
Long Term Care
Critical Injury
Chronic Illness
For Your End-of-Life

For Your Financial Education
How Money Works Series
Power of Compound Interest
The Time Value of Money
The Rule of 72
Creating an Emergency Fund
Strategies for Debt Management
Increasing Cash Flow
Build Your Wealth
Protect Your Wealth
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